Delicate Arch, Arches National Park

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About This Web Site

Arches National Park is one of the most visited parks in the United States and the Delicate Arch may be the most photographed landscape in the world. Still, even with the crowds of people eagerly awaiting the sunset, it's difficult to resist the 2 mile uphill trek to spend at least one evening with one of nature's most appealing visual scenes.

One would think that protecting this small park would have been a no-brainer, but to the contrary, the fight to protect even this tiny bit of incredible landscape was fierce—mostly fought over a few cattle and because of anti-conservation mindset that predominates in the Southwest. Unfortunately, this short-sighted mindset is still dominant in Southwestern politics.

I hope that those of you enjoy our natural landscapes will join or donate to the conservation organizations that are acting now to secure protection for scenic places for future generations. Our grandchildren will need these places even more than we do--the places are rapidly falling under what has been called 'the relentless plow of development'. As important, the wildlife for whom we act as stewards depend on these nature reserves right now.

If you are interested in any of the images on this web site in print or jpeg file format, all proceeds from sales go to conservation organizations. For further details go to the copyright and sales page. If you are a school or not-for-profit organization, you may use these images for your own purposes, but please let me know if you do so.

~ Ray Rasmussen

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